Data Security Compliance

Our platform adheres to the highest international standards for information security, IT service management, privacy, and occupational health & safety. Trust Six Degrees Intelligence to deliver secure, reliable and compliant services.

Compliance Training

Training for Experts

Online compliance training and case studies are provided to experts during registration and onboarding, covering scenarios where conflicts of interest are likely to arise.

Training for Employees

Monthly compliance training as well as regular on-work training guidance, covering escalation paths for compliance incidents.

Compliance Manual

Includes rules on dealing with confidential information, internal information and insider trading, conflicts of interest, consulting licenses, DNC List, terms and conditions, data protection, and anti-corruption.

AI Automatical Correction

Pre-Event Correction

If a client's request involves non-compliant content, the system automatically blocks the project to prevent any compliance issues.

Mid-Event Correction

During interviews, if sensitive, confidential, or other non-compliant information is discussed, an automatic blocking or interruption mechanism is triggered. The involved parties are then added to a Do Not Contact (DNC) list for management.

Post-Event Correction

For any business data that may involve compliance issues, the system utilizes AI technology to search for and correct these issues, ensuring adherence to compliance standards.

Customized Compliance System

In addition to our comprehensive compliance structure, some clients require additional compliance systems for login, verification and review.

Six Degrees' well-established compliance system can be tailored to client's request, and the scope of customization covers various operation interfaces including but not limited to online portal, email, and WeChat.